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Doing the Airport Dash

Today’s post brought to you by the comedy of errors that my travel life can be, especially when travelling with my children.

My husband and I thought it would be a great idea to take our 2 and 4 year olds on a trip to the most Magical Place on Earth, that is, Disney World. It was October so we thought the weather would be nice and we really needed to get away. I got a great deal on the flight as well as free dining at the Disney parks so I thought it was a win-win.

So off we go to the airport on the morning of our flight to Orlando. The flight left very early and we live an hour away from the airport, so it takes some planning to get there on time. No matter how early I get there, I was always feel stressed about going through security and missing my flight. So we left at the pre crack of dawn time of 3 a.m. Of course, my children don’t go back to sleep once they are in the car, oh no! Its party time! Despite that, we have no trouble getting to the airport and up to the security line.

Once we get in line, my 4 year old says he has to go to the bathroom. He wasn’t quite potty trained at that point and so he was wearing pull ups, just in case of an accident. As we are inching our way towards the front, I try to convince him he should just go in his pull up. Of course, that just won’t do, it has to be the actual bathroom. Luckily, we get through the line fairly quickly, even though I am sweating as though I just finished a marathon.

After visiting the restroom, we start heading to our gate. Myself, my husband, 2 kids in umbrella strollers that are tied together, 2 kiddie sized rolling suitcases, 2 kids sized backpacks, one large tote bag and a diaper bag. As we are walking along, I am mentally reviewing the list of things that we need to have and I realize we have forgotten a very important thing. What could it be? License? Nope, made it through security, got it. Diaper bag? Nope, its banging into my leg as we walk. Toys to entertain the kids on the flight? Pretty sure I packed more than enough stuff. Then it hits me. We forgot to grab the car seat! I try to convince my husband that we can just rent one when we get there, but he is adamant that he can run back to the car and get back in time for the flight.

So, he takes off like McCauley Culkin in Home Alone 2, zipping through the airport like a mad man. I rearrange all our bags, have my 4 year old get out and walk so I can have more room to put luggage in the stroller and trudge up to the gate. I arrive at the gate and surprise, the gate has changed. I should have been suspicious when our gate wasn’t all the way at the end of the concourse, seeing as ever time I fly I seem to be at the last gate in the farthest concourse at the airport.

I start sweating even more and frantically try to call my husband’s cell phone to let him know about the change, but I can’t get through. I am hoping he’s in the security line and can’t hear me. At this point, I am vowing never to carry on bags again. Since I am not a light packer, I already had checked 2 suitcases and I figured it wasn’t a big deal to carry on the kids’ small roller bags. Little did I know!

I finally get myself, my kids and all my stuff up to our departure gate. I drag myself up to the counter and, practically crying, I beg the attendant to check my bags. Luckily, if you check your bag at the gate they don’t charge you, so there was a ray of sunshine.

All this time, I am worried about my husband. I can’t decide what to do if he doesn’t show up. Do I go anyway and hopefully he figures out how to get down there? I try calling but he probably can’t hear his phone anyway.

And then, a miracle. He makes it just as they are starting to board the flight. He’s got the car seat and a racing heart. All is well, or so I thought.

My husband boards first to get the car seat and some of bags situated and the kids and I board the plane at last call so they aren’t cooped up longer than they have to be. We get all settled and the flight is underway. And then…..I realize we forgot the 4 year olds booster seat! Next time, I swear, I’m making a list and checking it 42 times. Although now we have a great story to remember our trip by.

What’s your funny travel story?

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